The Alum Creek Wildlife Management Association, recipient of a Texas Parks & Wildlife Lone Star Land Steward Award in 2018, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit focusing on conservation education, particularly as it pertains to the endangered Houston toad. Presentations at our meetings, which occur twice each year, educate our members on a variety of topics related to habitat management and conservation. Presentations have included forest management, management of invasive species, bird identification, Houston toad conservation status, prescribed burning, wildfire preparedness, and more. The association also hosts at least one workshop or field day each year on a particular topic of interest.
Anyone with an interest in the Lost Pines area of Bastrop County is welcome to join the ACWMA. Whether you’re a rancher, naturalist, hunter, bird watcher, farmer, or recreational user in the Lost Pines, our association is sure to provide you with information and educational opportunities of interest.
Click here to download a membership application.
Annual dues of $10 are payable by January of each year. If dues are not paid by February 1, the member will not be in good standing and will be considered inactive. To pay your dues now, click the Pay Now button below.

Roxanne Hernandez
Vice President
Jennifer McKeon
Woody Raine
Angela Russell
JC Jensen
Audrey Ambrose
Carrie Brown